Installation Instructions

Installation instructions for Saito Lite.

1. Requirements:

OS: Ubuntu 20.04 (MacOS instructions)
Build tools: git, g++, make, python
Stack: node.js (v.14+)

Installing requirements

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++ make git
curl -sL | sudo -E bash
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

2. Download Saito and Install Dependencies

git clone
cd saito-lite
npm install

If you run into any problems at this point write us and let us know. The current version has been updated to try and really simplify the installation process, so if you run into issues please let us know.

3. Compile and Run Saito

npm run compile

This command creates the default configuration (suitable for development and testing).
An optional ‘dev’ flag (e.g. “npm run compile dev” can be added to add source maps to the javascript payload.

npm start

This will start the node.
Your version of Saito will startup and begin to produce blocks.

The node can now be connected to at https://localhost:12101 (given the default configuration).


npm run nuke

This command does a “hard reset” on the blockchain (deleting all blocks, resetting any databases, etc.) and recompiles.
This command also takes the ‘dev’ argument.