Hello World

Saito is an unlikely software project. In a world obsessed with ICOs and fundraising, our focus has been on getting work done and communicating the calibre and import of our ideas with a goal of changing the world for the better. We hope you will join us on this journey.

Parts of the current software release have been coded in Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Brisbane, Shanghai, Toronto and a couple of other places, the oddest of which was a remote hydropower station nestled in the mountains of rural Sichuan. We hope this list continues to grow so that Saito can be truly global in scope.

It goes without saying that we are deeply-indebted to the Satoshi Team for the invention of bitcoin, and those like Vitalik Buterin who have pushed the boundaries of what proof-of-work can do while communicating publicly about the challenges they have faced in the process. On a personal level, our team is also grateful to the members of Jake Smith’s 比特爽 WeChat group in China for years of stimulating discussion and trolling.

For those who understand Saito, we’re grateful for your support and encouragement. And for those that don’t? We have bets on when you’ll come around.

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